Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Satu Ugama..jangan bermimpi!

Tidak dinafikan,sebahagian besar sumber Teori Konspirasi adalah dari para pengkaji Barat. Jadi terdapat dua kategori pengkaji Barat ini.

Pertamanya mereka yang memang benar-benar jujur mahu mencari kepastian kepada misteri yang terjadi di sekeliling mereka.Mereka sedar terdapat sesuatu yang tidak kena dengan sistem sosial masyarakat mereka dan apa yang mereka tahu selama ini.Mereka pun mula mengkaji dan mengkaji.

Dalam hal ini,mungkin 80% kajian mereka boleh diterima pakai,kerana mereka mengkaji berdasarkan kesan-kesan konspirasi yang dialami oleh mereka sendiri.Selebihnya perlu ditapis dan dipadankan dengan sumber kita sendiri.

Keduanya para penulis yang diupah oleh The Elite sendiri atau para Orientalis yang menulis dengan tujuan tertentu bagi menghasilkan kesan-kesan yang negatif terhadap khalayak.

Antaranya dengan tujuan mahu menimbulkan panik atau kesan bahawa manusia tiada gunanya melawan mereka,kekuatan The Hidden Hand. Berhati-hati dengan penulis seperti Zecharia Sitchin atau Alberto Rievera mahupun penulis The Vatican Assassin yang dalam menceritakan pelbagai konspirasi.

Moralnya,jangan terperangkap dengan permainan penyelidik konspirasi upahan The Hidden Hand mahupun yang berjaya mengelirukan diri sendiri. Ini penting,jika tidak anda akan terjerumus dalam kekeliruan demi kekeliruan dan hasilnya anda menjadi sebahagian dari statistik mangsa-mangsa konspirasi antarabangsa.

Yang penting,anda mesti tapis dahulu maklumat itu.Jangan terima bulat-bulat atau menolaknya tanpa mengkaji dahulu.Fikirkan baik-baik.

Apa jua konspirasi mereka,perancangan atau pelan,bagaimana hebat atau dasyat sekalipun perancangan konspirasi mereka,semuanya masih jauh untuk mengatasi PERANCANGAN DAN TAKDIR ALLAH AZZA WA JALLA.

Bagaimana sekalipun hebat mereka merancang dan bertindak,Allah s.w.t adalah Pemenangnya dan hanya Dialah yang layak untuk menang selama-lamanya.Ini kerana semua konspirasi dan pembuat konspirasi itu sendiri adalah makhluk-Nya dan semua itu berada di dalam Ilmu-Nya.

Dibawah ini satu tulisan pembongkaran rancangan Satu Ugama yang diseliakan oleh pihak Vatican pada tahun 1991 di Boston.

Dipetik dari : THE CUTTING EDGE

The Roman Catholic Church has led the global Ecumenical Movement almost from the beginning, and is very successful in bridging the gaps existing between all the religions of the world, including liberal or apostate Christian groups. But, now, the time has come to go public with the plan described above as 'The New Jerusalem Covenant Project', to the creation of the infant 'United Religions'.

Nearly 200 delegates wrapped up a week-long interfaith meeting of the Interfaith Conference at Stanford University on Friday, June 23-27, 1997. Predicting they had given birth to a movement as well as a spiritual institution: the United Religions. The 'spiritual United Nations', as some have referred to it, would be a world assembly for humanity's myriad spiritual traditions.

The conference participants, including keynote speakers such as Nobel Peace Laureates Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Ms. Betty Williams, and prominent Muslim Dr. Javid Iqbal, and international interfaith leaders ..."

The international 'summit conference' brought together delegates from every continent to inaugurate formal efforts to figure out the organization's structure and mission and launch a charter-writing process. After several years of talking, the initiative's planners had finally gotten down to business.

David Cooperrider, a professor at Case Western Reserve University's management school and a consultant to the United Religions project, envisioned both an institutional 'gathering place for discussions of the global good' and a 'Web-like structure' for projects, membership, and meetings around the world.

Though Cooperrider studies and consults with 75 global organizations, including 'Save the Children' and the 'Nature Conservancy', the United Religions Initiative has inspired him like no other, he said. He described ``extraordinary momentum'' gathering this week. The initiative has raised $2.1 million in cash and pledges.

The conference cost almost $400,000, with travel scholarships given to about 35 delegates. In the next 18 months, regional conferences are planned in Johannesburg, South Africa; Cairo, Egypt; and Delhi, India."

This week, the 200 delegates established more than 20 task forces that will work in the next year to answer questions about United Religions' location, funding and organization: How will constituent bodies within the United Religions relate to one another, and how will a United Religions collaborate with other interfaith and global organizations?

During the conference, each participant was asked to 'put yourself 30 years into the future. When the delegates convene next June -- Stanford may again be the location -- they will hear a series of ``white papers'' roughing out the United Religions mission and begin to establish priorities. Should they wrestle with population problems? The need for conflict resolution between religious groups in regional hot spots? The eradication of poverty?"

The discussions that flowed from this assignment reflected our deepest yearnings to live in a safe world that more nearly reflects the divine love for every being; a world where people respect and honor each other, serve the needy, and are caretakers of the earth and all its life; a world where religion no longer leads to hatred and violence, but to dialogue, the celebration of diversity, and cooperative action for global good.

The conference didn't end with dreaming. The participants were challenged to create a plan of action to help those dreams become a reality. That plan includes an effort to create a vast network of support and guidance by holding gatherings all over the world, in early 1997, to allow people from different countries, cultures, religions, and educational, work, and economic backgrounds to meet and help shape the vision of a United Religions. The voices, images, and commitments-to-action from these gatherings and other outreach efforts over the next year will inspire the charter-writing process to begin in San Francisco in June 1997."

One day after this conference, the UN 50th Anniversary Worship Service was hosted at
Grace Cathedral lead by Rev. William E. Swing, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of California. It took two years of hard work to plan this one-hour liturgy. At both the Youth Conference and the Worship Service, the United Religions idea was made public.

" 'You are deputized!', Bishop Swing told delegates as they prepared to go home. 'Tell the people that there is a United Religions, and that somewhere in the world, it is beginning to happen: that the religions are going to have an oasis where they can talk about peace.

The various people that attended this conference as delegates:

1) Christian -- Catholics and Episcopalians are the only groups specifically mentioned

2) Muslims

3) North American Interfaith Network [NAIN] Ecumenical group

4) Buddhists

5) Hindus

6) Jews

7) Sikhs

The United Religions Initiative Project identified still more people involved with this Project. After this events, it became clear that, to move the UR from vision to reality an ever-expanding network of religious and interfaith leaders had to share in a process of prayer dialogue and creative thinking about a UR.

With this in mind, in September 1995, Bishop Swing addressed a gathering of religious Non-Governmental Organizations at the UN. The event was hosted by the Ven. Chung Ok Lee, a Won Buddhist priest and proponent of a United Religions for over 20 years.

In October 1995, Bishop Swing visited religious leaders in China. From February through April 1996, Bishop Swing traveled in India, the Middle East, and Europe, seeking commitment from leaders of many world's religions, including the Dalai Lama, the Sankaracharya of Kancheepuram, Islam's Grand Mufti in Cairo, Mother Theresa, and the Archbishop of Canterbury, and with people active in interfaith work, including those at a conference at the International Interfaith Centre in Oxford. In July and August 1996, the Bishop visited with religious leaders in Japan and Korea.

Now, we learn that Bishop Swing enlisted the commitment of many of the world's religions, and that Mother Theresa, of the Roman Catholic Church!!! It is no wonder, then, that Mother Theresa has been making trips to the Vatican to meet with Pope John Paul II, even though she is very old. She is evidently the point person in this global effort to unite the world's religions into One.

The discussions that flowed from this assignment reflected our deepest yearnings to live in a safe world that more nearly reflects the divine love for every being; a world where people respect and honor each other, serve the needy, and are caretakers of the earth and all its life; a world where religion no longer leads to hatred and violence, but to dialogue, the celebration of diversity, and cooperative action for global good.

The most effective way to achieve success in human endeavor is to set goals, called here "a plan of action". But, to drive your Plan of Action forward, you also need to set a timetable at which the various parts of your Plan can be expected to be achieved. This is simply good principles of management.

"* July 1996 - 1997, the Initiative will engage in a global campaign using a UR workbook,
regional visioning conferences, and the Internet to enlist input and support for the creation
of a United Religions from leaders, on a global and grassroots level, around the world.

* June 23-27, 1997, the Initiative will host a conference, in Stanford University, California,
for 100 delegates from the historic religions and 100 representatives of spiritual and
other movements, to craft a charter-writing process.

* June 1997-June 1998, conference participants will engage their own communities in valuing progress to date, further refining the UR Vision and purpose, and in determining what role they wish to play in the creation of a United Religions by the year 2000. We imagine meetings being held both within faith traditions, and among them and other stakeholders to gather input for the charter-writing to begin in 1998.

* June 1998 - June 2000, the United Religions Charter will be developed and revised through
a series of annual June Charter-Writing Conferences. Between conferences, drafts of the charter will be circulated globally for comments and revision. Work to create a broader and broader network of participation in the UR initiative will continue throughout the charter-writing process.

* June 26, 2000, the United Religions Charter will be signed, while a walking pilgrimage for
peace among religions takes place in villages, towns, and cities throughout the world.

Thus, in June 26, 2000, the United Religions Charter will be signed, probably in Jerusalem.

Now, let us return to this story at Stanford University as they wrapped up their momentous conference that gave birth to the United Religions of the world. "The conference's last day began with prayers, one offered by three men born in India: a Christian, a Muslim, and a Sikh. The sunny courtyard outside was lined with flags decorated with religious symbols from a dozen or so traditions."

We did find a grouping of thirteen religions around the world that are involved in this global Ecumenical effort that has finally produced the United Religions.

We have shown these religions, below:

1) Ancient Religions
2) BaHaiFaith
3) Buddha30
4) Christianity
5) EastReligion
6) Hinduism
7) Islam Religion
8) Judaism
9) Magic Religions
10) Pantheism
11) Sikh30
12) Tao30
13) Zoroaster Religion