Diantara kata-kata terakhir yang dicatat didalam facebook Essam El Haddan pembantu presiden Dr. Muhd. Morsi di bahagian hubungan dan Kerjasama Luar..
Warning of “considerable bloodshed,” El Haddan said that if the government falls, it will send a message that “democracy is not for Muslims.”...Namun pada keesokan harinya Dr. Morsi telah menghantar mesej melalui laman tweeternya..
Kronologi peristiwa rampasan kuasa tentera terhadap Dr. Morsi presiden Mesir dilapurkan begitu terperinci sekali oleh times of israel..diantara kenyataan yang dilapurkan ditulis begini..
‘A winning result for the US and Israel’
CBS correspondent Dan Raviv and Walla reporter Yossi Melman (or somebody on their website) write that Egypt’s upheaval, and Morsi’s removal, will likely end up being a positive change for Israel and the US. The US, they say, has always had closer contacts with Egypt’s military than its president, and Israel as well never quite warmed up to the Brotherhood leader.
“Israel’s main, agreeable contacts were with the traditional partners in Cairo – not with President Morsi. Egypt’s intelligence services maintained their quiet, but sometimes intense and useful liaisons with Israeli intelligence. And Israel never broke off its cooperative contacts with Egypt’s military, including the very same generals and brigadiers who are now running the Arab world’s most populous and influential nation.”
Sumber: timesof israel
Dr. Morsi masih berjuang mempertahankan perlembagaan negara itu yang disokong 64% rakyat Mesir. Perlembagaan baru ini diluluskan pada bulan Disember 2012.