Seperti yang aku jangkakan bahawa kehilangan 2 pesawat MAS ada kaitannya dengan permainan zionis. Ketika aku menjelajahi beberapa blog berkaitan kehilangan pesawat MH, aku tertarik dengan komen yang diberi oleh seorang pembaca...ceritanya begini..
A plane is shot down over a region which has been hotly contested between its Russian locals and Ukraine. Donetsk is one of the regions which zionist oil&gas companies have under tens of billions of dollars' worth contract with Dutch Shell Oil, Chevron and Exxon for fracking as of 2013 contract, on hold now due to war and the gods of oil and gas not pleased - their hope is that with new drilling in western and eastern Ukraine, they will knock out Gazprom and supply Ukraine with 10 years of shale gas. If only they get the Russians and their citizens out. Donetsk is one of the regions where most of this shale gas is. They cannot get past Putin and Russia to start fracking....More here.
Then a plane is shot down just coincidentally so over Donetsk and we see immediate zionist efforts to blame Russia. We also see countless petty accusations that Russians are mistreating corpses and stealing luggage. Peculiarly, it comes from all global major MainStream Media. The smell of a big psyop.
A young lady pops up named Yekaterina Parkhomenko, posts pics of herself on Instagram. She specifically states that she is a "Russian separatist" and that she stole some mascara via a friend and is now posing with makeup of an allegedly dead plane crash victim.... strange that she would have to add her political orientation as "Russian separatist" to the stolen MH17 makeup story, no?
I did some poking around in Ukrainian cyrillic online. The young lady seems to indeed exist under that name living outside of Donetsk. I found something else. She comes from a very famous local zionist blood line.
There is a single genealogical blood line of Parkhomenko only - they are the very epitome of the Jewish underground from Donetsk to Minsk. They worked against Russia for the whole last century, at times infiltrating the Soviet Army, at other times openly fighting for Jewish zionism. The Parkhomenkos also formed a Yiddish-speaking underground which rescued Jews in WWII, for example. They are flaming zionists.
This would be a trivial artifact in this story if it were not for the fact that we are seeing Ukraine torn to bits and Jewish zionists popping up everywhere - the Klitschkos are orthodox zionist Jews. Yatsenyuk is a Jewish nazi cutout. Poroshenko is one, so is the new PM Groysman.
All of them work with the zionists trying to take Ukraine for Zion and the bankers. And the pretty little granddaughter of the Donetsk Parkhomenkos pops up at the crash site posing with stolen crash site artifacts, peculiarly claiming to be a Russian 'separatist", as if to make a point that Russian separatists loot corpses and crash sites.
No, the Parkhomenkos are not Russian separatists. They are one of the Kosher Nostra blood lines who have been rising from the Jewish zionist underground of Ukraine many times before in history.... here is a little bit about that covert zionist Jewish Ukrainian blood line - this is really good reading:
I am also finding Parkhomenkos such as this one being vital corporate links between Kiev and Tel Aviv... just sayin'...
Then there is this Parkhomenko here who is the CEO of Forbes in Kazachstan....googling "Parkhomenko Israel", I found the clan to be a vital corporate bridge between Ukraine and Israel via many of the descendants of that line.
I am afraid our young lady Parkhomenko at the crash site is not a "Russian separatist" after all, as she claims (who among the Novorossyans would call themselves that anyway and besides, what might that have to do with stolen makeup?)... I wonder if she said kaddish over the corpses before she went looting for the zionist psyop she helped launch... rotten gefilte fish and zio dreck from Ukraine rearing its head again.
From our doc... Ukrainian army with civilians setting up for fracking in Slavyansk - LINK.
Zionist militaries and 'civilians' setting up the oil and gas fields in the midst of battle.... where have we seen that before? 'Civilians' is a popular euphemism for mercs, special ops, etc...
Silvija Germek