Monday 6 December 2010

NWO : Siapa mereka?

Secara am nya, NWO di bentuk oleh beberapa kumpulan yang bekerjasama diatas satu Agenda, New world Order.

Rasa nya tak banyak sangat beza dengan slogan 1 Malaysia..

Berbeza ke?

Dari :Unbent

Everyone makes mistakes. I wrote about the Bilderburg Group earlier this month and claimed it was the ultimate power. That they are a the group ruling the world. I was not completely up-to-date in my facts. Everything about the Bilderburg Group is true, and yes they are very high up in powerful organizations. But the truth is they just make up one part of what is an intricate band of world-leaders undermining the people through manipulative media tactics. It’s called the Round Table, or Illuminati. We will be looking in-depth at each of these groups below.

The Round Table consists of The Bilderburg Group, The CFR, The United Nations, The Trilateral Commission, The Royal Institute of International Affairs and Club Rome. Two of them have already been discussed on this blog, and the rest will be discussed in the days to come.

Although these groups are different in name and purpose, they are all in close allience and form one major group. The Bilderburg Group is a Global organization that all countries and major organizations attend annually. They are specifclly in contact with The Royal Institute of International Affairs, Club Rome, The CFR and The UN. The UN, hence the name, “United Nations,” is a global group of country-leaders. They are in contact with The Bilderburg Group, The Trilateral Commission, the CFR, and Club Rome. Club Rome is a Eugenic Studies group. Again, I will post specifically about this soon. Club Rome is involved with The Bilderburg Group, The UN, The Trilateral Commission, and The Royal Institute of International Affairs. The Royal Institute of International Affairs, or the RIIA, is based out of the UK area and is a global organization. They are closely involved with the CFR, Club Rome, The Bilderburg Group, and the Trilateral Commission. The Trilateral Commission is an alliance group of America, Japan, and Europe. It is connected to the UN, Club Rome, the RIIA, and the CFR. The CFR is based out of America and controls American Media. To Learn about the CFR see my earlier post. You can do the same with The Bilderburg Group.

It is very interesting that no group has any more than two degrees of separation. Every organization is in contact with each other through another group. This may be a strategic move to distance the parties so as to separate any suspicion and obvious alliance. But don’t let them fool you, they are the Illuminati.