Tuesday, 30 December 2014



Ya, Allah
Ya, Rahman
Ya, Rahimm..

Hamba Mu ini bersyukur diatas segala Nikmat dan Rahmat yang telah Engkau kurniakan.

Maha Suci Engkau...Ampunkan segala dosa-dosa kedua ibubapa ku dan rahmatilah mereka sepertimana mereka memeliharaku dengan penuh kasih sayang dan mendidik ku dari kecil...Ya, Allah..Permudahkanlah segala urusan kedua ibubapa ku..

Ya, Allah
Ya, Rahman
Ya, Rahimm..

Ampunkanlah segala dosa-dosa isteriku dan zuriat-zuriatku...Ya, Allah..Jadikanlah aku dan kaum kerabatku orang-orang yang taat mendirikan solat dan mencintai sedekah hanya kerana Mu..

Maha Suci Engkau... Tambahilah ilmu ku dalam menuju takwa kepada Mu..Ya, Allah Sesungguhnya hamba Mu ini amat lemah dan bodoh disisi Mu..

Ya, Allah
Ya, Rahman
Ya, Rahimm..

Selamatkanlah saudara-saudara ku yang dizalimi di Palestin, Filipina, Pattani dan Rohingnya...Selamatkanlah umat Islam yang ditimpa bencana dimana jua mereka berada....Ya, Allah..permudahkanlah segala urusan bantuan kepada mereka...Ya, Allah..Kurniakanlah kekuatan, ketabahan dan kesabaran kepada para mujahidin yang berjuang diatas jalan Mu..

Ya, Allah...Tidak ada Tuhan yang sebenarnya disembah melainkan Engkau..Ya, Allah... Maha Suci Engkau...Sesungguhnya kami adalah dari orang yang membuat zalim...

Ampunkanlah segala dosa-dosa orang-orang mukmin lelaki dan wanita samaada yang hidup atau pun yang telah mati dan kurniakanlah rahmat Mu kepada orang-orang yang menginfakkan hartanya ke jalan Mu..

Maha Suci Engkau yang Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Teliti..Hanya kepada Mu kami berserah diri...permudahkanlah perjalanan hidup kami diatas dunia yang sementara ini....Ya, Allah..Sesungguhnya kepada Mu jua kami akan dikembalikan.

Ya, Allah
Ya, Rahman
Ya, Rahimm..

Ampunkanlah segala dosa-dosa hamba Mu ini..
Ya, Allah..Ampunkanlah dosa-dosa riba dan zina hamba Mu ini....Ya, Allah..Ampunkanlah segala dosa-dosa besar yang ku ketahui dan yang tidak ku ketahui.

Maha Suci Engkau yang Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Mengasihani hamba-hambaNya.

Ya, Allah
Ya, Rahman
Ya, Rahimm..

Matikanlah aku dalam keadaan beriman kepada Mu..
Ya, Allah..Matikanlah aku dalam keadaan beriman kepada Mu..
Ya, Allah..Matikanlah aku dalam keadaan beriman kepada Mu..

Ya, Allah..Peliharalah diriku ini dari siksaan kubur dan azab api neraka Mu..
Ya, Allah..Peliharalah hatiku ini dari rasa sombong dan takbur
Ya, Allah..Peliharalah hatiku ini dari sifat cuai dan lalai dalam ibadah
Ya, Allah...Peliharalah hatiku ini dari rasa malas dan berputus asa dalam ibadah
Ya, Allah..Peliharalah lidahku ini dari berkata dusta.
Ya, Allah..Jauhkanlah diriku dari akhlak yang buruk dan jalan-jalan maksiat

Maha Suci Engkau..Tempatkanlah aku ditempat yang Engkau berkahi, sesungguhnya Engkau lah sebaik-baik pemberi tempat.

Ya, Allah
Ya, Rahman
Ya, Rahimm..

Terimalah ibadah ku ini dan makbulkan lah doa-doa ku ini..

Maha Suci Engkau..Hanya kepada Mu hamba Mu ini memohon pertolongan dan hanya kepada Mu jua hamba Mu ini memohon perlindungan.

Ya, Allah
Ya, Rahman
Ya, Rahimm..

Monday, 29 December 2014




Ya Allah Engkaulah yg Maha Sejahtera,
dan diriMu kesejahteraan,
dan kepadaMu kembalinya kesejahteraan,
maka hidupkanlah kami ya Tuhan dengan kesejahteraan,
dan masukkanlah kami ke dalam syurga negeri kesejahteraan,
engkau telah memberkati ya Tuhan,
dan Engkau telah memuliai wahai yg Maha Agung dan yg Maha Mulia.

Ertinya: Maha Suci Allah 

Ertinya: Segala Puji Bagi Allah 

Ertinya: Allah Maha Besar 

Lailaha Illah Wahdahula Syarikalahu Walahulhamduyuhyi Wayumitu Wahuwa Ala Kulli Syaiin Qadirrr..

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Dalil dan Nas Waktu-waktu Solat.

Assalamu ‘alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Di dalam Al-Quran sesungguhnya sudah ada sekilas tentang penjelasan waktu-waktu solat fardhu, meski tidak terlalu jelas diskripsinya. Namun paling tidak ada tiga ayat di dalam Al-Quran yang membicarakan waktu-waktu solat secara global.

Ayat Pertama:

Menurut para mufassriin, di ayat ini disebutkan waktu solat, yaitu kedua tepi siang, yaitu solat shubuh dan ashar. Dan pada bahagian permulaan malam, yaitu Maghrib dan Isya`.

Ayat kedua

Menurut para mufassrin, di dalam ayat ini disebutkan waktu solat yaitu sesudah matahari tergelincir, aitu solat Zhuhur dan Ashar. Sedangkan gelap malam adalah solat Maghirb dan Isya` dan Qur`anal fajri yaitu solat subuh.

Waktu-waktu Solat Fardhu di Dalam Al-Hadits

Sedangkan bila ingin secara lebih spesifik mengetahui dalil tentang waktu-waktu solat, kita boleh merujuk kepada hadits-hadits Rasululah SAW yang sahih dan qath`i. Tidak kalah qath`inya dengan dalil-dalil dari Al-Quran Al-Karim. Di antaranya adalah hadits-hadits berikut ini:

Dari Jabir bin Abdullah ra. bahawa Nabi SAW didatangi oleh Jibril as dan berkata kepadanya, “Bangunlah dan lakukan solat.” Maka beliau melakukan solat Zhuhur ketika matahari tergelincir. Kemudian waktu Ashar menjelang dan Jibril berkata, “Bangun dan lakukan solat.” Maka beliau SAW melakukan solat Ashar ketika panjang bayangan segala benda sama dengan panjang benda itu. Kemudian waktu Maghrib menjelang dan Jibril berkata, “Bangun dan lakukan solat.” Maka beliau SAW melakukan solat Maghrib ketika matahari terbenam. Kemudian waktu Isya` menjelang dan Jibril berkata, “Bangun dan lakukan solat.” Maka beliau SAW melakukan solat Isya` ketika syafaq (mega merah) menghilang. Kemudian waktu Shubuh menjelang dan Jibril berkata, “Bangun dan lakukan solat.” Maka beliau SAW melakukan solat Shubuh ketika waktu fajar merekah/ menjelang. (HR Ahmad, Nasai dan Tirmizy. )

Di dalam Nailul Authar disebutkan bahawa Al-Bukhari mengatakan bahawa hadits ini adalah hadits yang paling shahih tentang waktu-waktu solat.

Selain itu ada hadits lainnya yang juga menjelaskan tentang waktu-waktu solat. Salah satunya adalah hadits berikut ini:

Dari `Uqbah bin Amir ra bahawa Nabi SAW bersabda, “Ummatku selalu berada dalam kebaikan atau dalam fitrah selama tidak terlambat melakukan solat Maghrib, yaitu sampai muncul bintang.“(HR Ahmad, Abu Daud dan Al-Hakim dalam Al-Mustadrak.)

Lebih Detail Tentang Waktu Solat Dalam Kitab-kitab Fiqih

Dari isyarat dalam Al-Quran serta keterangan yang lebih jelas dari hadits-hadits nabawi, para ulama kemudian menyusun tulisan dan karya ilmiah untuk lebih jauh mendiskripsikan apa yang mereka fahami dari nash-nash itu. Maka kita dapati deskripsi yang jauh lebih jelas dalam kitab-kitab fiqih yang menjadi masterpiece para fuqoha. Di antaranya yang boleh disebutkan antara lain kitab-kitab berikut ini:

Kitab Fathul Qadir jilid 1 halaman 151-160,
Kitab Ad-Dur Al-Mukhtar jilid 1 halaman 331 s/d 343,
Kitab Al-Lubab jilid 1 halaman 59 – 62,
Kitab Al-Qawanin Al-Fiqhiyah halaman 43,
Kitab Asy-Syarhu Ash-Shaghir jilid 1 halaman 219-338,
Kitab Asy-Syarhul-Kabir jilid 1 halaman 176-181,
Kitab Mughni Al-Muhtaj jilid 1 halaman 121 – 127,
Kitab Al-Muhazzab jilid 1 halaman 51 – 54,
Kitab Kasysyaf Al-Qanna` jilid 1 halaman 289 – 298.

Di dalam kitab-kitab itu kita dapati keterangan yang jauh lebih spesifik tentang waktu-waktu solat. Kesimpulan dari semua keterangan itu adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Waktu Solat Fajr (Shubuh)

Dimulai sejak terbitnya fajar shadiq hingga terbitnya matahari. Fajar dalam istilah bahasa arab bukanlah matahari. Sehingga ketika disebutkan terbit fajar, bukanlah terbitnya matahari. Fajar adalah cahaya putih agak terang yang menyebar di ufuk Timur yang muncul beberapa saat sebelum matahari terbit.

Ada dua macam fajar, yaitu fajar kazib dan fajar shadiq. Fajar kazib adalah fajar yang `bohong` sesuai dengan namanya. Maksudnya, pada saat dini hari menjelang pagi, ada cahaya agak terang yang memanjang dan mengarah ke atas di tengah di langit. Bentuknya seperti ekor Sirhan (serigala), kemudian langit menjadi gelap kembali. Itulah fajar kazib.

Sedangkan fajar yang kedua adalah fajar sadiq, yaitu fajar yang benar-benar fajar yang berupa cahaya putih agak terang yang menyebar di ufuk timur yang muncul beberapa saat sebelum matahari terbit. Fajar ini menandakan masuknya waktu subuh.

Jadi ada dua kali fajar sebelum matahari terbit. Fajar yang pertama disebut dengan fajar kazib dan fajar yang kedua disebut dengan fajar sadiq. Selang beberapa saat setelah fajar sadiq, barulah terbit matahari yang menandakan habisnya waktu subuh. Maka waktu antara fajar sadiq dan terbitnya matahari itulah yang menjadi waktu untuk solat shubuh.

Di dalam hadits disebutkan tentang kedua fajar ini:

“Fajar itu ada dua macam. Pertama, fajar yang mengharamkan makan dan menghalalkan solat. Kedua, fajar yang mengharamkan solat dan menghalalkan makan..” (HR Ibnu Khuzaemah dan Al-Hakim).

Batas akhir waktu subuh adalah terbitnya matahari sebagaimana disebutkan dalam hadits berikut ini.

Dari Abdullah bin Umar ra bahawa Rasululah SAW bersabda, “Dan waktu solat subuh dari terbitnya fajar (sadiq) sampai sebelum terbitnya matahari.” (HR Muslim)

2. Waktu Solat Zhuhur

Dimulai sejak matahari tepat berada di atas kepala namun sudah mulai agak condong ke arah barat. Istilah yang sering digunakan dalam terjemahan bahasa Malaysia adalah tergelincirnya matahari. Sebagai terjemahan bebas dari kata zawalus syamsi. Namun istilah ini seringkali membingungkan kerana kalau dikatakan bahawa `matahari tegelincir`, sebahagian orang akan berkerut keningnya, “Apa yang dimaksud dengan tergelincirnya matahari?”

Zawalus-Syamsi adalah waktu di mana posisi matahari ada di atas kepala kita, namun sedikit sudah mulai bergerak ke arah barat. Jadi tidak tepat di atas kepala.

Dan waktu untuk solat zuhur ini berakhir ketika panjang bayangan suatu benda menjadi sama dengan panjang benda itu sendiri. Misalnya kita menancapkan tongkat yang tingginya 1 meter di bawah sinar matahari pada permukaan tanah yang rata. Bayangan tongkat itu semakin lama akan semakin panjang seiring dengan semakin bergeraknya matahari ke arah barat. Begitu panjang bayangannya mencapai 1 meter, maka pada saat itulah waktu Zhur berakhir dan masuklah waktu solat Ashar.

Ketika tongkat itu tidak punya bayangan baik di sebelah barat maupun sebelah timurnya, maka itu menunjukkan bahawa matahari tepat berada di tengah langit. Waktu ini disebut dengan waktu istiwa`. Pada saat itu, belum lagi masuk waktu zuhur. Begitu muncul bayangan tongkat di sebelah timur kerana posisi matahari bergerak ke arah barat, maka saat itu dikatakan zawalus-syamsi atau `matahari tergelincir`. Dan saat itulah masuk waktu zuhur.

3. Waktu Solat Asar

Waktu solat Asar dimulai tepat ketika waktu solat Zuhur sudah habis, yaitu semenjak panjang bayangan suatu benda menjadi sama panjangnya dengan panjang benda itu sendiri. Dan selesainya waktu solat Asar ketika matahari tenggelam di ufuk barat. Dalil yang menujukkan hal itu antara lain hadits berikut ini:

Dari Abi Hurairah ra berkata bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Orang yang mendapatkan satu rakaat dari solat subuh sebelum tebit matahari, maka dia termasuk orang yang mendapatkan solat subuh. Dan orang yang mendapatkan satu rakaat solat Asar sebelum matahari terbenam, maka dia termasuk mendapatkan solat Asar.” (HR Muslim dan enam imam hadits lainnya).

Namun jumhur ulama mengatakan bahawa dimakruhkan melakukan solat Asar tatkala sinar matahari sudah mulai menguning yang menandakan sebentar lagi akan terbenam. Sebab ada hadits nabi yang menyebutkan bahawa solat di waktu itu adalah solatnya orang munafiq.

Dari Anas bin Malik ra bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, …”Itu adalah solatnya orang munafik yang duduk menghadap matahari hingga saat matahari berada di antara dua tanduk syaitan, dia berdiri dan membungkuk 4 kali, tidak menyebut nama Allah kecuali sedikit.” (HR Jamaah kecuali Bukhari dan Ibnu Majah).

Bahkan ada hadits yang menyebutkan bahawa waktu Ashar sudah berakhir sebelum matahari terbenam, yaitu pada saat sinar matahari mulai menguning di ufuk barat sebelum terbenam.

Dari Abdullah bin Umar ra bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Dan waktu solat Ashar sebelum matahari menguning.”(HR Muslim)

Solat Asar adalah solat Wustha menurut sebahagian besar ulama. Dasarnya adalah hadits Aisyah ra.

Dari Aisyah ra bahawa Rasulullah SAW membaca ayat, “Peliharalah solat-solatmu dan solat Wustha.” Dan solat Wustha adalah solat Asar. (HR Abu Daud dan Tirmizy dan dishahihkannya)

Dari Ibnu Mas`ud dan Samurah ra berkata bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Solat Wustha adalah solat Asar.” (HR Tirmizy)

Namun masalah ini memang termasuk dalam masalah yang diperselisihkan para ulama. Asy-Syaukani dalam kitab Nailul Authar jilid 1 halaman 311 menyebutkan ada 16 pendapat yang berbeza tentang makna solat Wustha. Salah satunya adalah pendapat jumhur ulama yang mengatakan bahawa solat Wustha adalah solat asar. Sedangkan Imam Malik berpendapat bahawa solat itu adalah solat subuh.

4. Waktu Solat Maghrib

Dimulai sejak terbenamnya matahari dan hal ini sudah menjadi ijma` (kesepakatan) para ulama. Yaitu sejak hilangnya semua bulatan matahari di telan bumi. Dan berakhir hingga hilangnya syafaq (mega merah). Dalilnya adalah sabda Rasulullah SAW:

Dari Abdullah bin Amar ra bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Waktu Maghrib sampai hilangnya shafaq (mega).” (HR Muslim).

Syafaq menurut para ulama seperti Al-Hanabilah dan As-Syafi`iyah adalah mega yang berwarna kemerahan setelah terbenamnya matahari di ufuk barat. Sedangkan Abu Hanifah berpendapat bahawa syafaq adalah warna keputihan yang berada di ufuk barat dan masih ada meski mega yang berwarna merah telah hilang. Dalil beliau adalah:

Dari Abi Hurairah ra bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Dan akhir waktu Maghrib adalah hingga langit menjadi hitam.” (HR Tirmizy)

Namun menurut kitab Nashbur Rayah bahawa hadits ini sanadnya tidak shahih.

5. Waktu Solat Isya`

Dimulai sejak berakhirnya waktu maghrib sepanjang malam hingga dini hari tatkala fajar sadiq terbit. Dasarnya adalah ketetapan dari nas yang menyebutkan bahawa setiap waktu solat itu memanjang dari berakhirnya waktu solat sebelumnya hingga masuknya waktu solat berikutnya, kecuali solat subuh.

Dari Abi Qatadah ra bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Tidaklah tidur itu menjadi tafrith, namun tafrith itu bagi orang yang belum solat hingga datang waktu solat berikutnya.” (HR Muslim)

Sedangkan waktu muhktar (pilihan) untuk solat `Isya` adalah sejak masuk waktu hingga 1/3 malam atau tengah malam. Atas dasar hadits berikut ini.

Dari Abu Hurairah ra. bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Seandainya aku tidak memberatkan umatku, aku perintahkan mereka untuk mengakhirkan/ menunda solat Isya` hingga 1/3 malam atau setengahnya..” (HR Ahmad, Ibnu Majah dan Tirmizy).

Dari anas bin Malik ra bahawa Rasulullah SAW menunda solat Isya` hingga tengah malam, kemudian barulah beliau solat.” (HR Muttafaqun Alaihi).

Dari Ibnu Umar ra. bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Waktu solat Isya` hingga tengah malam” (HR Muslim dan Nasai)

Wallahu a’lam bishshawab, wassalamu ‘alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Ahmad Sarwat, Lc


Tuesday, 4 November 2014


Siapa dan apa Illuminati...

Syeikh Niamat adalah seorang peribadi yang mengembalikan tradisi keilmuan Islam yang bermula di hutan belantara sehingga terbentuknya kampung dan bandar yang diteroka melalui peranan ulama...

Dengarlah....kata2 berhikmah, budi pekertinya sopan, keikhlasannya menjadi ikutan, ajarannya menjadi amalan.... keluhuran budi pekerti al Marhum amat disanjung tinggi... Beliau kembali kerahmatullah tepat jam 10.20 pagi hari rabu tanggal 13 Rejab 1424 bersamaan 10 September 2003 di Hospital Alor Setar....Al Fatihah..

Friday, 31 October 2014


Manusia seharian melihat Allah Taala... bagi yang berfikir..

Terjemahan dari Surah 2. Al Baqarah, ayat 55 bermaksud..

Dan (kenangkanlah) ketika kamu berkata: "Wahai Musa! Kami tidak akan beriman kepadamu sehingga kami dapat melihat Allah dengan terang (dengan mata kepala kami)". Maka kerana itu kamu disambar petir, sedang kamu semua melihatnya.

Pada usia 13 tahun proses penyempurnaan bola mata manusia menjadi lengkap pada saiz purata 23mm melintang dan 23mm membujur.


Terjemahan Surah 40. Ghaffir, ayat 78...lebih kurang bermaksud...

"Dan demi sesungguhnya! Kami telah mengutus beberapa Rasul sebelummu; di antara mereka ada yang Kami ceritakan perihalnya kepadamu, dan ada pula di antaranya yang tidak Kami ceritakan kepada kamu. Dan tidaklah harus bagi seseorang Rasul membawa sesuatu keterangan atau menunjukkan sesuatu mukjizat melainkan dengan izin Allah; kerana apabila datang perintah Allah diputuskan hukum dengan adil; pada saat itu rugilah orang-orang yang berpegang kepada perkara yang salah".

Dari Abi Zar al Ghifary r.a. berkata, “Bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda ketika ditanya tentang jumlah para nabi, “(Jumlah para nabi itu) adalah seratus dua puluh empat ribu (124,000) nabi.” “Lalu berapa jumlah Rasul di antara mereka?” Baginda menjawab, “Tiga ratus tiga belas (313)”

[Hadits Riwayat At-Tirmizi]

1 + 2 + 4 = 7

manakala jumlah para rasul pula ialah 313 orang,

3 + 1 + 3 = 7

dan jumlah rasul yang WAJIB kita ketahui ialah 25 orang,

2 + 5 = 7

Jumlah keseluruhan sahabat nabi S.a.w ialah 124,000 orang. Jumlah pejuang-pejuang Islam yang menyertai Perang Badar iaitu perang pertama dalam sejarah dakwah Nabi Muhammad S.a.w ialah seramai 313 orang.

Baca selanjutnya disini.


Nama-nama surah di dalam al Quran..

1. Surah Al-Fatihah - Pembukaan

2. Surah Al-Baqarah - Lembu Betina

3. Surah Ali ‘Imran - Keluarga Imran

4. Surah An-Nisaa’ - Wanita

5. Surah Al-Maa’idah - Hidangan

6. Surah Al-An’aam - Binatang Ternakan

7. Surah Al-A’raaf - Tempat Tertinggi

8. Surah Al-Anfaal -Rampasan Perang

9. Surah At-Taubah - Pengampunan

10. Surah Yunus - Nabi Yunus a.s.

11. Surah Hud - Nabi Hud a.s.

12. Surah Yusuf - Nabi Yusuf a.s.

13. Surah Ar-Ra’d - Guruh

14. Surah Ibrahim - Nabi Ibrahim a.s.

15. Surah Al-Hijr - Kawasan Berbatu

16. Surah An-Nahl - Lebah

17. Surah Al-Israa’ - Perjalanan Malam

18. Surah Al-Kahfi - Gua

19. Surah Maryam - Siti Maryam

20. Surah TaaHaa - TaaHaa

21. Surah Al-Anbiyaa’ - Para Nabi2

22. Surah Al-Hajj - Haji

23. Surah Al-Mu’minun - Golongan yang Beriman

24. Surah An-Nuur - Cahaya

25. Surah Al-Furqaan - Pembeza Kebenaran dan Kebatilan

26. Surah Asy-Syu’araa - Para Penyair

27. Surah An-Naml - Semut

28. Surah Al-Qasas - Cerita-cerita

29. Surah Al-‘Ankabut - Labah-labah

30. Surah Ar-Rum - Bangsa Rom

31. Surah Luqman - Luqman

32. Surah As-Sajdah - Sujud

33. Surah Al-Ahzab - Golongan yang Bersekutu

34. Surah Saba’ - Kaum Saba’

35. Surah Faatir - Pencipta

36. Surah Yaasin - Yaasin

37. Surah As-Saaffat - Yang Teratur Berbaris

38. Surah Saad - Saad 39. Surah Az-Zumar - Rombongan

40. Surah Al-Ghafir / Al-Mu’min - Orang yang Beriman

41. Surah Fussilat - Dijelaskan

42. Surah Asy-Syuraa - Permesyuaratan

43. Surah Az-Zukhruf - Perhiasan Emas

44. Surah Ad-Dukhaan - Kabut

45. Surah Al-Jatsiyah - Yang Berlutut

46. Surah Al-Ahqaaf - Bukit-bukit Pasir

47. Surah Muhammad - Nabi Muhammad SAW

48. Surah Al-Fath - Kemenangan

49. Surah Al-Hujurat - Bilik-bilik

50. Surah Qaaf - Qaaf

51. Surah Adz-Dzariyaat - Angin yang Menerbangkan

52. Surah At-Thur - Bukit

53. Surah An-Najm - Bintang

54. Surah Al-Qamar - Bulan

55. Surah Ar-Rahman - Yang Maha Pemurah

56. Surah Al-Waqi’ah - Hari Kiamat

57. Surah Al-Hadid - Besi

58. Surah Al-Mujadilah - Perempuan yang Merayu

59. Surah Al-Hasyr - Pengusiran

60. Surah Al-Mumtahanah - Perempuan yang Diuji

61. Surah As-Saf - Barisan

62. Surah Al-Jumu’ah - Hari Jumaat

63. Surah Al-Munafiquun - Golongan Munafik

64. Surah At-Taghabun - Dinampakkan Kesalahan

65. Surah At-Talaq - Talak

66. Surah At-Tahrim -Mengharamkan

67. Surah Al-Mulk - Kerajaan

68. Surah Al-Qalam - Pena

69. Surah Al-Haaqqah - Hari Kiamat

70. Surah Al-Ma’arij - Tempat Naik

71. Surah Nuh - Nabi Nuh a.s.

72. Surah A-Jin - Jin

73. Surah Al-Muzammil - Yang Berselimut

74. Surah Al-Muddathir -Yang Berselubung

75. Surah Al-Qiyaamah - Hari Kebangkitan

76. Surah Al-Insaan - ManusiA

77. Surah Al-Mursalat - Malaikat Yang Diutus

78. Surah An-Naba’ - Berita Besar

79. Surah An-Naazi’aat - Malaikat Yang Mencabut

80. Surah ‘Abasa - Dia Bermasam Muka

81. Surah At-Takwiir - Menggulung

82. Surah Al-Infitar - Terbelah

83. Surah Al-Mutaffifiin - Golongan yang Curang

84. Surah Al-Insyiqaaq - Terbelah

85. Surah Al-Buruj - Gugusan Bintang

86. Surah At-Taariq - Pengunjung Malam

87. Surah Al-A’laa - Yang Tertinggi

88. Surah Al-Ghaasyiah - Hari Pembalasan

89. Surah Al-Fajr - Fajar / Sinar Mentari

90. Surah Al-Balad - Negeri

91. Surah Asy-Syams - Matahari

92. Surah Al-Lail - Malam

93. Surah Adh-Dhuha - Matahari Meninggi

94. Surah Al-Insyirah/An-Nasyrah - Melapangkan

95. Surah At-Tin - Buah Tin

96. Surah Al-‘Alaq - Segumpal Darah

97. Surah Al-Qadr - Kemuliaan

98. Surah Al-Baiyinah - Bukti yang Nyata

99. Surah Al-Zalzalah - Kegoncangan

100. Surah Al-‘Aadiyaat - Yang Berlari Kencang

101. Surah Al-Qari’ah - Hari Kiamat

102. Surah At-Takathur - Bermegah-megah

103. Surah Al-‘Asr - Masa

104. Surah Al-Humazah - Pengumpat

105. Surah Al-Fiil - Gajah

106. Surah Quraisy - Kaum Quraisy

107. Surah Al-Ma’un - Barangan Berguna

108. Surah Al-Kauthar - Sungai Di Syurga

109. Surah Al-Kafirun - Golongan Kafir

110. Surah An-Nasr - Pertolongan

111. Surah Al-Masad / Al-Lahab - Nyalaan Api

112. Surah Al-Ikhlas - Ikhlas

113. Surah Al-Falaq - Waktu Subuh

114. Surah An-Naas - Manusia


Perbedaan antara Sunni dan Syiah yang paling mendasar sebenarnya berawal dari penolakan Syiah terhadap tiga khalifah selain Ali bin Abi Thalib (Abu Bakar, Umar dan Utsman). Penolakan ini menjadikan perbedaan pandangan yang tajam antara Syi’ah dan Sunni dalam penafsiran Al-Qur’an, Hadits, mengenai Sahabat, dan hal-hal lainnya.

Sebagai contoh perawi Hadits dari Muslim Syi’ah berpusat pada perawi dari Ahlul Bait, sementara yang lainnya seperti Abu Hurairah tidak dipergunakan.

Dalam Syiah sendiri juga berkembang tiga aliran besar, yaitu Syiah Itsna ‘Asyariyah, Syiah Ismailiyah dan Syiah Zaidiyah. Itsna ‘Asyariyah adalah aliran terbesar yang berkembang di Iran sekarang ini. Sedangkan Ismailiyah merupakan aliran yang paling ekstrem, dan Zaidiyah merupakan aliran yang paling mendekati Sunni (yang tetap mengakui tiga khalifah sebelum Ali bin Abi Thalib).

Sebagian kaum Sunni menyebut kaum Syiah dengan nama Rafidhah, yang menurut etimologi bahasa Arab bermakna meninggalkan. Dalam terminologi syariat Sunni, Rafidhah bermakna “mereka yang menolak imamah (kepemimpinan) Abu Bakar dan Umar bin Khattab, berlepas diri dari keduanya, dan sebagian sahabat yang mengikuti keduanya”.

Pendapat Ibnu Taimiyyah dalam “Majmu’ Fatawa” ialah bahwa Rafidhah pasti Syiah, sedangkan Syiah belum tentu Rafidhah; karena tidak semua Syiah menolak Abu Bakar dan Umar sebagaimana keadaan Syi’ah Zaidiyyah.

Abdullah bin Ahmad bin Hanbal berkata: “Aku telah bertanya kepada ayahku, siapa Rafidhah itu? Maka beliau (Imam Ahmad) menjawab: ‘Mereka adalah orang-orang yang mencela Abu Bakar dan Umar’.”

Pendapat yang agak berbeda diutarakan oleh Imam Syafi’i. Meskipun mazhabnya berbeda secara teologis dengan Syiah, tetapi ia pernah mengutarakan kecintaannya pada Ahlul Bait dalam diwan asy-Syafi’i melalui penggalan syairnya: “Kalau memang cinta pada Ahlul Bait adalah Rafidhah, maka ketahuilah aku ini adalah Rafidhah”.

Sumber: sipencariilmu.wordpress.com

Thursday, 9 October 2014



Buang Islam melayu ambil Islam Rasulullah SAW..

Zul Nordin mangkok hayon wal-mangkuk tandass....



Gua 'agak paham' apa yg sdg berkocak di fikiran budak ni kerana faktor umur memudahkan gua memahami apa yg dicari/dimahukan dlm hidup ini....kebebasan berfikir dan berhujah seperti yg diperintahkan Nya..'kita' berani kerana yakin pdNya...cuma..AKHLAK tu adjust laa skitt bro..

Diantara catatan Benz Ali  Geert Wilders gagal melihat Islam kerana tiada lg nilai-nilai Islam yg diamalkan sebaliknya umat Islam kini mencontohi gaya hidup khalifah..contoh Muawiyyah.. dll dari mencontohi Rasulullah SAW itu sendiri...

Gua, lu dan kita berusaha menjelmakan kembali kebebasan berfikir dan berhujah mengikut akhlak Rasulullah SAW...

Maaf kalau menyinggung....gua pecaya bumi rata tidak bulat seperti bola...bangang ker gua bro??

Tuesday, 9 September 2014






SEPTEMBER 9, 2014 AT 9:46 PM

Tan Malaka said...

Statement dari LUHAM ini berita baik buat semua pejuang rakyat. Sudah sampai ketikanya Hadi Awang berundur atau dimundurkan.

Hadi wajib ditolak kerana jelas beliau adalah pemimpin yg menganut fahaman feudal yg beku yg berakar dari warisan syirik sembah raja.

Sila rujuk dua kenyataan yg dibuat oleh Hadi, pertama ketika sidang akhbar dirumahnya menyokong Khalid Ibrahim sebagai MB & kedua pidatonya terbarunya dalam majlis penjelasan isu2 semasa di Marang beberapa hari yg lalu.

Hadi Awang secara tidak bertanggungjawab telah memberikan tafsiran yg salah & mengelirukan tentang konsep Raja Berperlembagaan.

Di sidang akhbar dirumahnya ketika beliau cuba mempertahankan TSKI beliau mengatakan "kita tidak boleh membelakangkan Sultan" sedangkan Sultan memang perlu dikebelakangkan dalam urusan politik.

Raja Berperlembagaan bermakna peranan & kuasa Raja telah dibataskan oleh undang2. Raja Berperlembagaan bermakna Raja tidak boleh campur tangan dlm urusan politik & pentadbiran negara selain bidang kuasa terhad Baginda dlm urusan pentadbiran agama Islam & adat istiadat Melayu. Ini cukup jelas.

Kalau tidak mahu membelakangkan Sultan, Sultan perlu hadir dlm setiap mensyuarat EXCO, mesyuarat Jawatankuasa PAS Pusat,Syura Ulama, hatta hadir di muktamar PAS! Kenyataan ini bukan hanya tidak tepat malah pandir!

Tindak tanduk Hadi Awang ini adalah pengkhianatan yg cukup besar bukan hanya kepada PAS & PR tetapi terhadap tokoh2 pejuang Melayu progresif yg terdahulu yg telah berjuang dgn sengit menentang Fahaman feudal yg mahu memutlakkan kekuasaan Raja dalam semua hal ini sehingga kuasa politik dapat dimiliki oleh rakyat jelata.

Sekarang Hadi Awang mahu menyerahkan kembali kuasa politik yg telah diperoleh ditangan rakyat secara jerih payah, kembali secara mutlak kepada golongan Monarki!

Malah faham feudal yg sesat ini mahu dipakai pula ke kebatang tubuhnya dalam bentuk pemusatan kuasa mutlak Presiden.

Ini sangat2 salah & tidak betul.

Agenda persekongkolan sesat Feudalisme golongan elit monarki dengan Feudalisme Ulama yg jelas mengkhianati perjuangan kuasa politik rakyat jelata ini wajib ditentang hingga ke akar2nya!

Monday, 8 September 2014





Saturday, 6 September 2014









Saturday, 30 August 2014


Dear Mr. President Putin,

Please accept our apologies on behalf of a great many people here in the Netherlands for our Government and our Media. The facts concerning MH17 are twisted to defame you and your country.

We are powerless onlookers, as we witness how the Western Nations, led by the United States, accuse Russia of crimes they commit themselves more than anybody else. We reject the double standards that are used for Russia and the West. In our societies, sufficient evidence is required for a conviction. The way you and your Nation are convicted for ‘crimes’ without evidence, is ruthless and despicable.

You have saved us from a conflict in Syria that could have escalated into a World War. The mass killing of innocent Syrian civilians through gassing by ‘Al-­‐Qaeda’ terrorists, trained and armed by the US and paid for by Saudi Arabia, was blamed on Assad. In doing so, the West hoped public opinion would turn against Assad, paving the way for an attack on Syria.

Not long after this, Western forces have built up, trained and armed an ‘opposition’ in the Ukraine, to prepare a coup against the legitimate Government in Kiev. The putschists taking over were quickly recognized by Western Governments. They were provided with loans from our tax money to prop their new Government up.

The people of the Crimea did not agree with this and showed this with peaceful demonstrations. Anonymous snipers and violence by Ukrainian troops turned these demonstrations into demands for independence from Kiev. Whether you support these separatist movements is immaterial, considering the blatant Imperialism of the West.

Russia is wrongly accused, without evidence or investigation, of delivering the weapons systems that allegedly brought down MH17. For this reason Western Governments claim they have a right to economically pressure Russia.

Western created and supported terrorist groups have begun just what we predicted, a self manufactured security threat. Western-created and -supported terrorist groups have become just what we predicted, a self-manufactured security threat.

We, awake citizens of the West, who see the lies and machinations of our Governments, wish to offer you our apologies for what is done in our name. It’s unfortunately true, that our media have lost all independence and are just mouthpieces for the Powers that Be.

Because of this, Western people tend to have a warped view of reality and are unable to hold their politicians to account.

Our hopes are focused on your wisdom. We want Peace. We see that Western Governments do not serve the people but are working towards a New World Order. The destruction of sovereign nations and the killing of millions of innocent people is, seemingly, a price worth paying for them, to achieve this goal.

We, the people of the Netherlands, want Peace and Justice, also for and with Russia. We hope to make clear that the Dutch Government speaks for itself only. We pray our efforts will help to diffuse the rising tensions between our Nations.


Professor Cees Hamelink

Saturday, 16 August 2014


Seperti yang aku jangkakan bahawa kehilangan 2 pesawat MAS ada kaitannya dengan permainan zionis. Ketika aku menjelajahi beberapa blog berkaitan kehilangan pesawat MH, aku tertarik dengan komen yang diberi oleh seorang pembaca...ceritanya begini..

Thanks for running our stuff on Ukraine. I have another real gem for you - there exists no article, just a web post on Wayne Madsen Report where I put it when I excavated it... you are welcome to the text, if you like it. Here goes:

A plane is shot down over a region which has been hotly contested between its Russian locals and Ukraine. Donetsk is one of the regions which zionist oil&gas companies have under tens of billions of dollars' worth contract with Dutch Shell Oil, Chevron and Exxon for fracking as of 2013 contract, on hold now due to war and the gods of oil and gas not pleased - their hope is that with new drilling in western and eastern Ukraine, they will knock out Gazprom and supply Ukraine with 10 years of shale gas. If only they get the Russians and their citizens out. Donetsk is one of the regions where most of this shale gas is. They cannot get past Putin and Russia to start fracking....More here.

Then a plane is shot down just coincidentally so over Donetsk and we see immediate zionist efforts to blame Russia. We also see countless petty accusations that Russians are mistreating corpses and stealing luggage. Peculiarly, it comes from all global major MainStream Media. The smell of a big psyop.

A young lady pops up named Yekaterina Parkhomenko, posts pics of herself on Instagram. She specifically states that she is a "Russian separatist" and that she stole some mascara via a friend and is now posing with makeup of an allegedly dead plane crash victim.... strange that she would have to add her political orientation as "Russian separatist" to the stolen MH17 makeup story, no?

I did some poking around in Ukrainian cyrillic online. The young lady seems to indeed exist under that name living outside of Donetsk. I found something else. She comes from a very famous local zionist blood line.

There is a single genealogical blood line of Parkhomenko only - they are the very epitome of the Jewish underground from Donetsk to Minsk. They worked against Russia for the whole last century, at times infiltrating the Soviet Army, at other times openly fighting for Jewish zionism. The Parkhomenkos also formed a Yiddish-speaking underground which rescued Jews in WWII, for example. They are flaming zionists.

This would be a trivial artifact in this story if it were not for the fact that we are seeing Ukraine torn to bits and Jewish zionists popping up everywhere - the Klitschkos are orthodox zionist Jews. Yatsenyuk is a Jewish nazi cutout. Poroshenko is one, so is the new PM Groysman.

All of them work with the zionists trying to take Ukraine for Zion and the bankers. And the pretty little granddaughter of the Donetsk Parkhomenkos pops up at the crash site posing with stolen crash site artifacts, peculiarly claiming to be a Russian 'separatist", as if to make a point that Russian separatists loot corpses and crash sites.

No, the Parkhomenkos are not Russian separatists. They are one of the Kosher Nostra blood lines who have been rising from the Jewish zionist underground of Ukraine many times before in history.... here is a little bit about that covert zionist Jewish Ukrainian blood line - this is really good reading:

Parkhomenko is most definitely a significant zionist Jewish blood line in Ukraine and all seem to be purposefully related. I found another member of that tribe - meet Hillary's SuperPAC man Parkhomenko who runs the ReadyForHillary thing...

And I found another member of this clan - meet Ukrainian boxer Evgen Parkhomenko. He is on record as being a fierce backer of fellow Jewish zionist boxer Klitschko.... funny, what is it with all these Ukrainian Jewish boxers suddenly popping up on the front lines of the battle for zionism in Ukraine...


I am also finding Parkhomenkos such as this one being vital corporate links between Kiev and Tel Aviv... just sayin'... http://ua.linkedin.com/pub/igor-parkhomenko/39/34/70a


Then there is this Parkhomenko here who is the CEO of Forbes in Kazachstan....googling "Parkhomenko Israel", I found the clan to be a vital corporate bridge between Ukraine and Israel via many of the descendants of that line.

I am afraid our young lady Parkhomenko at the crash site is not a "Russian separatist" after all, as she claims (who among the Novorossyans would call themselves that anyway and besides, what might that have to do with stolen makeup?)... I wonder if she said kaddish over the corpses before she went looting for the zionist psyop she helped launch... rotten gefilte fish and zio dreck from Ukraine rearing its head again.

From our doc... Ukrainian army with civilians setting up for fracking in Slavyansk - LINK.

Zionist militaries and 'civilians' setting up the oil and gas fields in the midst of battle.... where have we seen that before? 'Civilians' is a popular euphemism for mercs, special ops, etc...

Help yourself to any of this you may like. Use for yourself or use my name, does not matter. Cheers!

Silvija Germek

Sumber: http://aanirfan.blogspot.com

Thursday, 7 August 2014


Satu rancangan bual bicara diantara Vladimir Putin dan Thomas Roth seorang warga negara Jerman yang bermastautin di Rusia telah diadakan pada 29 Ogos 2008.

Apa yang menarik perhatian gua bila mereka memperkatakan kekacauan di Ukraine yang akan merebak ke Crimea...sedangkan ketika itu kejadian ini masih belum berlaku...

Thomas Roth: Mr Prime Minister, after the escalation in Georgia, the international public and the press sees Russia in isolation against the rest of the world and beginning a war in Georgia. Why have you placed your country in this isolation?

Vladimir Putin: What do you think, who began the war in Georgia?

Thomas Roth: As I see it, the conflict was incited by the Georgian attack on Tskhinvali in S.Ossetia.

Putin: I thank you for this answer. That is correct, that was it indeed. We will deal more in greater detail with that later. Now I want to emphasize that we did not prompt this situation. And as regards the reputation of Russia, I am convinced that the reputation of any country capable of following an independent foreign policy that would protect the lives of its citizens, would only enhance its reputation.

And vice versa. The reputation of other countries which make for themselves a rule to interfere in the politics of other nations by extending themselves beyond their own national interests, their reputation would decrease. This says it all.

Thomas Roth: You have not yet answered the question why you have risked the isolation of your country from the rest of the world.

Putin: I thought I answered the question. But if it requires additional explanations, I will give it.

I am of the opinion that a country, in this case Russia, which would defend the honour of its citizens, whose lives it acts to protect, and acts according to international-law obligations in the context of the peacekeeping forces, it follows that such a country would not come into isolation. With regard to Europe and the United States - they do not rule the world.

And vice versa. I would like to emphasize again: If any countries believe that they are justified in serving their own personal and national interests by disregarding the foreign policy interests of other states, the reputation of such countries in the world would gradually decline. If the European countries fall in line with the foreign policy interests of the United States, they are not, in my opinion, going to succeed.

And now to our international-law obligations. According to international agreements the Russian peacekeeping forces were granted the obligation to take the peaceful population of S.Ossetia under its protection. Let us recall in this connection, the year 1995 in Bosnia.

It is well-known that the European peacekeeping forces in Bosnia, which consisted of Netherlands military members, did not stop one of the attacking sides and thus brought about the destruction of an entire locality. Hundreds were killed.

This tragedy in Bosnia’s Srebrenica is very well known in Europe. Should we have acted likewise? Should we have ignored the aggression and thereby making it possible for Georgian military units to destroy human lives in Tskhinvali?

Thomas Roth: Mr Prime Minister, your critics say that your goal in S.Ossetia was not to protect people, but to try to further destabilize Georgia and to remove the Georgian president from office. Why? In order to prevent Georgia from joining NATO. Is that so?

PutinThis is not so, it is a perversion of the facts, this is a lie. If this were our goal - then we would have probably started this conflict. But you yourself have admitted that the Georgian side started this conflict.

Now let me recall the facts of recent history. After the illegal decision on the recognition of the independence of Kosovo, everybody expected that Russia would recognize the independence and sovereignty of S.Ossetia and Abkhazia. And we had a moral right to do so. But we did not do so. We acted more than cautiously and we ’swallowed’ the unlawful Kosovo action.

But what did we get in return for our restraint? An escalation of the conflict, the attack on our peace keeping forces, the raid and destruction of the civilian population in South Ossetia! These are facts that are very well known and have been published throughout Europe.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of France was in N.Ossetia where he met with refugees fleeing from the Georgian aggressors. Even eye-witnesses reported that Georgian military units ran over women and children with tanks. They drove civilians into homes and churches and burned them alive. And Georgian soldiers bursting into Tskhinvali, when they had passed by cellars where women and children hid themselves, threw grenades into the cellars. What is this, if not genocide?

Georgian leadership, who instigated this catastrophe, has undermined the territorial integrity of Georgia by their actions. Such leaders have no right to steer a country regardless of its size. If they were decent human beings they would resign immediately.

Thomas Roth: But Mr Prime Minister, that is not your decision, that is a Georgian decision.

Putin: Naturally. But we know different precedents.

We remember how the American troops marched into Iraq and what they wished to do with Saddam Hussein because he destroyed some villages of the Shiites. In contrast to this, in just the first hours of Georgia’s invasion, ten villages in S.Ossetia were destroyed, wiped off the face of the earth.

Thomas Roth: Does this give you the right to remain not only in the conflict zone but to march beyond that into a sovereign country and to bombard this sovereign country?

That I sit here before you now I owe to sheer luck. For a bomb from your airplane exploded one hundred meters from me in Gori in a residential area. Isn’t it a clear violation of international law that you in fact now occupy a sovereign nation? Where do you get this right?

Putin: We responded within the parameters of international law. The assault on the posts of our peacekeeping forces in S.Ossetia which resulted in the murder of our peacemakers and the killing of our citizens, we have considered without a doubt to be an assault upon Russia.

In the first hours of the fighting, the Georgian armed forces immediately killed several dozen of the soldiers of our internationally-recognized Russian peacekeeping forces. In our southern position, as there were positions of the peacekeeping forces both in the south and in the north, Georgian tanks encircled the lightly armed Russian peacekeeping forces and opened direct fire on them.

When our peacekeeping forces tried to take heavy munitions from the hanger, they were shelled by the Grad rocket stations. Ten Russian soldiers who were still in the hangers were killed on the spot - burned alive.

Thomas Roth: Mr Prime Minister…

Putin: I am not finished yet. Then, the Georgian Air Forces attacked various points in S.Ossetia - not in the Tskhinvilli region, but in the center of S.Ossetia itself. We were forced to fire beyond the combat & security zone owing to these air attacks. These were the places where the Georgian troops were controlled from and the operation centers from which our peacekeeping forces & citizens were attacked from.

Thomas Roth: But I have told you that residential areas were bombarded by Russia. I experienced this, otherwise I would not have told you. Can it be that perhaps you do not have all the information?

Putin: Perhaps I do not have all the information. Errors during military operation are also possible. Only recently, in Afghanistan, US air forces supposedly engaged in an attack on a Taliban contingent, but destroyed instead, hundreds of civilians who were killed in one strike. This is a first example of military errors.

But the second example is even more convincing. The matter is, that the fire and control posts, the control of the Air Force and the radar stations on the Georgian side, were stationed in residential areas with the aim to restrict the possibility of Russia defending its people in S.Ossetia - using the civilian population - and you - as hostages.

Thomas Roth: Well, that is an assumption. Mr Prime Minister, the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Bernard Kouchner, has expressed grave concerns that the next center of conflict will be in Ukraine. He mentioned in particular, the Crimean peninsula and the city of Sevastopol as the next center of Russian aggression. Is the Crimea the next target for Russia? The seat of the Black Sea fleet?

Putin: He said, ‘the next center of Russian aggression?’ But this is not the case in the Georgian conflict. We were the victims of aggression.

And you say, ‘he next target?’ In the current conflict we had no ‘target.’ Therefore it is misleading to speak of a ‘next target.’

Thomas Roth: So you exclude this?

Putin: Allow me to answer and you will be satisfied. The Crimea is not a disputed territory. There is no ethnic conflict there in contrast to the conflict between S.Ossetia and Georgia. Russia recognized the current borders of today’s Ukraine a long time ago. We basically concluded all the negotiations regarding the borders. Only demarcation issues are now being discussed. But these are purely technical issues.

The question about ‘targets’ for Russia only serves as provocation. There within the Crimea, complicated processes are in view: Crimean Tatars, Ukrainian people, Russian people, a Slovak population. But this is an internal problem of Ukraine itself.

With Ukraine we have a contract regarding the docking of our fleet in Sevastopol until 2017. We will be guided by this present Treaty.

Thomas Roth: Mr Prime Minister, another Minister of Foreign Affairs expressed his concerns, in this case, the British Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr David Miliband. He warned of a new - I use this word as his quotation - ‘cold war’ - between Russia and the West. He warned of an ‘arms race’ beginning. Are we now on the border of a new ‘Ice Age?’ What is your assessment of this situation?

Putin: There is a Russian saying: ‘Stop the thief! The one who screams the loudest, he is the thief!’

Thomas Roth: The thief, then, would be, the British minister of foreign affairs…

Putin: This is what you say. Excellent! It is a pleasure to converse with you. Remember, you said that.

Russia seeks no provocation, no tension, with whoever it may be. We want good neighborly partnership relations. If you allow, I will say what I think about this.

Look, there was the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact. And there were the Soviet forces in the German Democratic Republic. And we must honestly admit, they were the occupying forces which were left in Germany after the Second World War.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact, these occupation forces went away. The threat of the Soviet Union is gone. However, NATO and the US forces in Europe are still there. What for? I will tell you what for.

It is to establish order and discipline in their own US-NATO camp - to hold them within ‘bloc discipline’ they need an outside threat. And because Iran is not entirely suitable for this role, there is a strong movement, initiated by the US, to revive the enemy in Russia. But in Europe, no one is scared.

Thomas Roth: On Monday the European Union in Brussels meets. It will talk about sanctions against Russia. Do you or do you not care since you say that the European peoples’ voice will not be represented?

Putin: If I would say we do not care, that we are indifferent, this would not be true. Of course we care. Of course we will watch very carefully what takes place there. We only hope that common sense will prevail.

And we hope that an objective and not a politicized appraisal of the S.Ossetian events will be given. We hope that the actions of the Russian peacekeeping forces will be supported. Whereas actions of the Georgian side which performed the criminal actions, we hope will be denounced.

Thomas Roth: In this context I would like to ask this next question. How do you solve this dilemma: On the one hand Russia is keen on cooperating with the EU. You cannot act differently given the economic interchange between you and Europe. On the other hand, Russia wants to play by its own rules. How can you satisfy these two issues at once?

Putin: We are not going to play by any special rules. We want all to world to act in accordance with the same rules referred to as ‘international law.’ We don’t want, however, these notions to be manipulated by anyone. In one region of the world, they will obey these rules, in another region, something else rules, only to satisfy someone’s self interests. We want unified rules that check the interests of all participants.

Thomas Roth: Do you mean that the EU plays with different rules in different regions of the world which do not correspond to international law?

Putin: Absolutely, how otherwise? How did they recognize Kosovo? They ignored the territorial national integrity attached to Serbia completely, and the UN Security Council Resolution 1244 which they together discharged and supported. There they could do it. But one wasn’t allowed to proceed in such a way in S.Ossetia and in Abkhazia. Why not?

Thomas Roth: Does this mean that Russia is the only one who can define international law? That all other manipulate the situation makes it right for Russia to define and dictate international law? Do I understand you correctly?

Putin: You have misunderstood me. Do you recognize the independence of Kosovo? Yes or no?

Thomas Roth: Me personally? I am a journalist and it is my job to report.

Putin: I mean Western countries. In fact, all have accepted the unlawful independence of Kosovo. But if you recognized it there, then you must recognize it here - the independence of S.Ossetia and Abkhazia. There is absolutely no difference. No difference at all. This is an invented difference by the West.

There it was an ethnic conflict - and here is an ethnic conflict. There, it was crime on both sides. And here, probably we can find it. Probably we can find it if we ‘dig.’ There the decision has been taken that these two people cannot live together in one state - and here they do not want to live together in the same state. There is no difference at all and everybody realizes this. This is all twaddle for the West’s unlawful decisions to cover.

This is the law of the jungle and Russia cannot agree to this. Mr Roth, you have been living in Russia for a long time and you speak perfect Russian, nearly accent free. That you have understood me I am not surprised. I am very pleased. Now I would like our European colleagues who will meet on September 1 to talk about this problem, to understand all of this.

Was the UN Resolution 1244 adopted? Yes, it was adopted. Was the territorial integrity of Serbia explicitly mentioned? Yes, explicitly. It was then, in their recognition of the independence of Kosovo, that Resolution 1244 was thrown into the trash. They simply forgot it in spite of our many protests.

They tried to re-interpret it. Turn it inside-out. It was impossible to wiggle out of it — so they simply forgot it. Why? They had orders from the White House and all have obeyed.

If European nations continue with this policy of obeying orders from the White House, then we will just go straight to the source of their policies and of all European affairs, and negotiate with Washington!

Thomas Roth: Given the crisis which is currently present in your relations with the US and the EU, what contribution can you support to cool off this crisis? Vladimir Putin: First of all, it appears that to a great extent this crisis was provoked by our American friends in order to enhance their election campaign. This is the use of administrative resources in its most deplorable form — in order to ensure the advantage of one candidate. In this case, the advantage of the current ruling party.

Thomas Roth: But this is not a fact.

Putin: Perhaps. However, we know that there were many American military advisors in Georgia. This is very bad to arm one side in order to solve the ethnic problems in a military way. At first glance, it is much easier than to lead long term negotiations and to search for compromises. But at the same time, it is a very dangerous way, a way that the US so often chooses, and the order of events has proved this.

American instructors - all of the personnel teaching on using military techniques — where should have they been engaged? At training grounds and training centers. But where were they? In combat areas!

This suggests that the US administration was fully aware of the preparing military action - and moreover, probably participated in this military action. Because without the order of the senior management, American citizens had no right to be present in the conflict area.

Only the local residents, observers of the OSCE, and the Russian peacekeepers were allowed to stay in the security zone. We have, however, found evidence of US citizens in the security zone that belong neither to the first, second, or third category. Why were they there? That is the question! If they will not tell us, and did allow this, then I suspect that it has been done on purpose — to organize a small victorious war.

And should it fail in their planning? Then they compose an enemy image out of Russia, and on this basis, mobilize the voters around one of the presidential candidates. Of course, the candidate they are promoting is of the present ruling party - because only the ruling party has such resources.

Thomas Roth: The last question I would like to ask you is a question that I am very interested in myself.

Don’t you think that you personally are in the trap of your authoritarian state? In the existing system, you receive information from your secret services and from other sources which include the highest economic environment — even the mass media in Russia. These, no doubt, are all afraid of telling you anything different from what you are willing to hear.

Is it not then the case that your existing authoritarian system obstructs a broad view for you to see the processes that happen today in Europe, the US, and in other countries?

Putin: Dear Mr Roth, you have characterized our political system as ‘authoritative’ and therefore a political system to be censured. But please, in this context, let us consider the conflict which we are presently discussing.

Don’t you know what has been happening in Georgia in recent years? The mysterious death of Saakashvili’s opponent, Zurab Zhvania, the prime minister? The reprisals against the opposition? The violent dispersion of the opposition demonstration in November last year? The rigging of national elections practically in the conditions of a state of emergency? Then this criminal action in S.Ossetia resulting in many civilian deaths.

And yet for all of this, does the West still tout Georgia as a ‘democratic country’ with which a dialogue must be held and which is to be taken into NATO and perhaps in the EU? The regime in Georgia is a far cry from what the West wants the world to believe.

Yet if another country protects its interests, simply its citizens’ right to life — who have been attacked — 80 of our people were immediately killed by the Georgian attack, 2000 civilians are dead in the end — and what, we are accused of being ‘authoritarian?’

And if we protect the lives of our citizens, we will have Kolbasa [Russian sausage since Russia relies on European food imports] taken away from us? Do we have a choice between Kolbasa and life? We choose life, Mr Roth.

Roth: But in your own country..

Putin: Please - let me to talk about freedom of the press since you brought it up. How have these events been represented in the US media, one of the so-called beacons of democracy?

I was in Beijing when all these events happened. There began the massive bombardment of Tskinvhalli, there were already ground operations of the Georgian troops, many victims, and no one had reported anything about these incidents!

Hardly had we pushed back the aggressor, knocked his teeth out, he hardly had his American weapons dropped in haste and fled - all at once the Western press remembered all about international law & called Russia, the aggressor. All began to wail! Why this selectivity?

Thomas Roth: Does not Russia need to care for its own economic interests rather than alienate its European partners?

Putin: Alright, let’s talk about ’sausage’ -the economy. We want normal relations with our European partners. We are a very reliable partner. We have always fulfilled our obligations.

When we built a pipeline system in Germany in the early 60’s, our partners across the Atlantic advised the Germans not to approve this project. You should be aware of this. But then, the leadership of Germany made the right decision and this system was built together. Nowadays, this is one of the reliable sources of energy supply for the German economy.

Let us look at the global economic situation. What are our exports to Europe and also the US? More than 80% of the resources — oil, gas, timber, metals, and fertilizers. That is all that the world economy and also European industry demand. These are all things that can very well be sold on the world markets should there be sanctions against us.

Concerning your imports to us, Russia is a large and reliable market. Does someone want to stop selling to us any longer? Well, then, we will buy these products elsewhere. Who profits from it? Not our partners in Europe. Those across the Atlantic?

We are a victim of aggression and the West’s distorted propaganda. We want an objective analysis of the situation which we are not getting. We only hope that common sense and justice will prevail.

Sumber: realjewnews

Friday, 25 July 2014


Perlu sangat Sunnah atau Syiah..?? umat Islam hari ini hilang pertimbangan.....keliru antara musuh dan saudara2nya yg mengesakan Allah dan mengakui al Quran itu kalamullah dan Nabi Muhammad saw itu pesuruh Allah......Perang di Syria dan perang di Iraq adalah satu dan yang sama.. - kedua2nya adalah perang terhadap ISIS tajaan zionis (Yahudi & Musyrik)..

Hanya satu perang....Muslim vs zionis (Yahudi & Musyrikin)


Gua bukan Syiah..tapi..


Syria....bukan seperti Jordan dan Mesir..
Iran now....we are not nowhere..but everywhere....Trample on the U.S...!!
Hakikatnya, zionis takut kpd Syria dan Iran..

The Russian made S-300 Missile, which is about to be delivered to Iran, can strike inside Israel. In Geneva, the 5+1 nations were only concerned about limiting Iran's missile range in Europe.

The Jewish Press.

Kenneth Waltz was the founder of the Neorealism Theory of International Politics, which holds that when it comes to nuclear proliferation, the more the better. The more countries that have nuclear weapons the more peaceful our planet is likely to be. And so, while the G5+1 were peacefully ‘Waltzing’ away in Geneva, behind the scenes a war dance was going on regarding the delivery of Russian S-300 ground to air missiles to Iran.

Game Theory as it applies to the Israel-Iran conflict is relatively simple. The premise assumes that if Iran gets the bomb it’s an end game scenario that Israel cannot permit, and therefore the question is not whether, but when will Israel preempt. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Russian President Vladimir Putin, in May of 2013 that delivery of the S-300 (which would greatly undermine Israeli Air Force superiority) to Syria, “is likely to draw us into a response, and could send the region deteriorating into war.”

The S-300 is referred to as a game changer. It is a mobile land-based system designed to track multiple aircraft simultaneously from a long distance, and to shoot down enemy planes within a radius of 150 km (93 miles). The Russians have been playing the S-300 missile as pawns in their global chess game, in particular against the deployment of U.S. missile defense systems in Poland and the Czech Republic. This game has been ongoing (in one form or another) since President Ronald Reagan first proposed the U.S. anti-missile system known as the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), the “Star Wars” program, back in 1983.

The $800,000,000 Russian-Iran deal for the delivery of the S-300 system was concluded in 2007. In May, 2010, Western intelligence services reported that Iranian Revolutionary Guards S-300 crews were training at Russian missile bases.

When Israeli President Shimon Peres raised the issue during talks with then Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in Moscow, he was told sharply that no other government could tell Russia to whom it may give military training. By 2010, Iran’s refusal to halt uranium enrichment led the UN to pass resolution 1929, imposing sanctions against Iran and banning the sale of missiles to Iran.

As a result, early in September of 2010, President Medvedev signed a resolution banning the delivery of S-300 missile systems.

In reality, Israel’s agreement to sell Russia surveillance drones that would narrow Russia’s technological military gap with Georgia in return for killing the S-300 deal with Iran and Syria may have had a lot to do with Russia scrapping the sale. As a result of the cancellation, Iran brought a lawsuit (that’s still pending) against Russia in a Swiss court, to the tune of $4 billion.

On July 5, 2013, just two months after the Netanyahu – Putin meeting in which the former warned about a possible war, a Syrian military arms depot in Latakia containing Russian Yakhont P-800 surface to sea missiles was attacked and destroyed.

The Yakhont missile, like the S-300, is also considered by Israel to be a game changer. The attack was initially reported as having been carried out by Israeli war planes in an air to ground attack (against which the S-300 would have been a credible deterrent), but it was later reported that the attack that destroyed some 50 Yakhont missiles was actually carried out from Israeli Dolphin-class submarines.

The attack delivered a triple message: Israel will not tolerate game changers (a lesson Israel learned and paid dearly for in the 1973 Yom Kippur War). The second message was to Iran and Russia, saying that ground-to-air S-300 will not prevent an Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear facilities, and Israel can carry out such an attack in multiple ways. The third message was directed at Washington and Moscow: missile pawn-moves made on the European chess board have no relevance to the backgammon platform of the Middle East.

While the cooperation between the U.S. and Russia has led to the dismantling of Syria’s chemical weapons, and to the Geneva accords, Russia has been playing the S-300 card behind the scenes and to its own advantage. It may have actually been the trump card that convinced Iran to agree to an accord with the West.

On September 5, Putin reached a decision to end the ban on the sale of S-300 missiles to Iran, on condition that Teheran drop the $4 billion lawsuit against Rosoboronexport, the state intermediary that oversees Russian defense imports and exports.

The Kommersant (a prestigious Russian daily newspaper), reported the news several days later. It appears that Putin’s decision was part of a Russian effort to prevent U.S. military intervention in Syria and an enticement for the ayatollahs of Iran. By September 26, the world was cheering the peaceful resolution of the Syrian problem, and just two months later, on November 24, it was elated again with the conclusion of Geneva accord.

Not three weeks later, on Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2013, during the course of a lecture to students at the Imam Sadegh University in Tehran entitled “Islamic Revolution against Global Arrogance,” Iran’s Revolutionary Guards chief, Maj. General, Mohammad Ali Jafari, is reported to have made the following statement: “We are still increasing the range of our missiles, but currently the Supreme Leader has commanded that we limit the range of our missiles to 2,000 km (1,240 miles).”

It was a strange, oxymoronic response to a student’s question about Iran’s missile development. Yes, the Iranians were working on increasing the range of their missiles, but no, they were limiting them to a range that can only reach Israel (and Saudi Arabia). During the Geneva accords discussions, the G5+1 expressed concerns over Iran’s and North Korea’s cooperation in the development of the Shehab-6 missile, which has a range of 3,000-5,600 km (1,850-3480), long enough to reach most of Europe. They made it clear that they would like to extend the six-month nuclear freeze agreed upon in Geneva to include a freeze on Iran’s development of long range ballistic missiles. No objections were raised, however, to Iran retaining the shorter range Shehab missiles capable of striking Israel.

Some of the sanctions have been lifted, the six months count is yet to begin, and the game changing S-300 shipment is almost en route. As the saying goes, “The dogs are barking, but the caravan moves on.”