Thursday, 4 August 2011

KuDa Negara dan Babi Negara..Jawapan semua ada disini..

4 Ramadhan 1432H. Fuhhhh...blogger-blogger lembu masih melayan isu Ku Li bawaan si Zahrin..bagai nak giler diorang spin isu ni..aku setuju sangat dgn Tuan Guru Nik Aziz yang mengatakan si Zahrin tu sampah sarap..tak payah layan.

Lagi satu isu yang buat diorang meroyan ialah PENAWAR yang mengwar-warkan ingin menuntut si Najib letak jawatan.

Isu pengundi hantu pun tak dapat jawap dengan sempurna. Boleh ker diorang spin ke Azmin dan dua orang lagi pemimpin PKR..BODOH SUNGGUH BLOGGER-BLOGGER LEMBU UMNO NI!!!! CARI LA IDEA YG SOFISTIKATED SKITTT BRO...MATI HIDUP BALIK ORANG ATAS PAGAR TAK MAKAN CERITA BODOH NI..

1Malaya tahu jawapan pada pengundi hantu ni ada di agensi-agensi KuDa Negara dan Babi Negara...bukan di pejabat PKR, PAS atau DAP.

Siapa ketua di KuDa Negara dan Babi Negara? Najib a/l Razak dan sekupu-sekapat nyerr  si Isham a/l Hussein.

Bulan Ramadhan pun syaitan jelmaan manusia masih nak buat fitnah...bertaubat la woiiiii....banyak-banyakkan Istighfar..



Over the last few days Kuala Lumpur and Putra Jaya witnessed an exodus of illegal immigrants wanting to have their status declared ‘legal’ with the courtesy of Najib’s administration. This is what I term as a government sanctioned invasion of illegal immigrant, and after having had their fingers printed and recorded in the so called state of the art biometric recorder, they are then declared legal immigrants. How convenient and how efficient are the authorities at selling out this country to the illegals. This is disgusting indeed and the Malaysia Boleh slogan has been stretched a bit too much. Never have I heard of any country in this world that welcomes illegal immigrants so tactfully, with kind generosity and with so much publicity accorded. We even had the smiling Home Minister mingling among the illegals earlier on, maybe to see whether the illegals are fully fed or otherwise.

I do not know what has become of the Home Minister. The Defence Ministry had spent so much money and resources, deploying men and equipment to monitor and to prevent illegal immigrants from entering the country. Likewise, the Immigration authorities, Maritime Enforcement Agency, police and even Rela partakes in the enforcement and prevention of illegal immigrant. But here, the Home Minister, rather than take drastic measures to expel these illegal immigrants, conveniently issues out an invitation to legalize all illegal immigrants.

With thousands of illegal immigrants made legal, the country no longer needs to defend itself against a possible invasion, because the ‘invaders’ in the form of legalized immigrants are safely on our shores. We do not know who and what they are; murderers, rapist, drug addicts, thieves and what have you. So they are now free to roam the country, do what the like, marry locals if they wish and have as many children as they can, that would later become citizens of this country. How easy it is to be a citizen of this country with the kind generosity and courtesy of our government.

It took years of hard work by the security forces to ensure the peace that all Malaysians enjoy today. Many have lost their lives in the process and are forgotten. For those who are alive today; some are without their limbs and some even without their vision, and do we really care for them? Yes, we do care for them i.e. once a year during Warriors Day with a gift of hamper.

With such ease in granting legal status to all illegal immigrants, I wonder what will become of this country and the future of its people. I am not at all surprise that some of them will in all probability be granted voting rights to vote in the upcoming GE. With Malaysia Boleh, I think everything is possible. Don’t you believe so?